Mankind is remarkable – we’ve sent man to the moon, cured killer diseases, conquered the peaks of the world’s highest mountains. But mankind is also abominably ambitious, capable of committing unspeakable evils in the name of progress. Over the following pages, we’ll explore some of the most diabolical moments in human history, from sickening medical experiments to the most barbaric torture methods. We’ll also delve into pivotal moments that have shaped the world we live in, from the legacy of slavery in the US to how the horrors of the Holocaust came to light.
The ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE • How millions of African people were forcibly transported across an ocean for centuries to work as slaves in European American colonies
SLAVE TRADE FACTS • Revealing some of the shocking statistics behind the horrors of the slave trade
THE GREAT DEPRESSION • The 20th century experienced one of the worst economic disasters in recorded history, with America’s stock market crash having global repercussions
The Holocaust • Conducted across continental Europe during the 1930s and 1940s, the Holocaust saw the murder of tens of millions of people by the Nazis
Ghosts of CHERNOBYL • Exploring the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and how the cleanup ultimately opened up the Soviet Union to the rest of the world
TIMELINE OF DISASTER • The lead-up and aftermath of the terrible Chernobyl reactor accident
HOW THE RADIATION SPREAD • Nuclear fallout moved through the environment in the days, weeks and months after the disaster
EXPLORE THE WORLD’S STRANGEST PLACES, PEOPLE AND EVENTS • From incomprehensible undersea objects to inexplicable disappearances, earth mysteries to ESP and state-sponsored precognition, discover some of the weirdest events, people and experiments the world has ever seen.
9/11 • The inside story of the terror attacks that changed America forever
A timeline of the day • Events as they happened on 11 September 2001
The War on Terror • The global aftermath that we continue to live with today
Burning Times • Learn how witch hunts wreaked havoc across Europe and the New World for over 300 years
KILLER CULTS • From disturbing sadistic sects to militant terrorist organisations, you don’t want to fall under the control of these warped cults in their bid for world domination, lest you want to lose your life along with your autonomy
The DARK ARTS • The occult sends shivers down the spine of some, but many elements of the mystic are simply misunderstood
HISTORY OF SUPERSTITIONS • From black cats to touching wood, we explain some popular and unusual folk customs from around the world
HOW SUPERSTITIOUS ARE WE REALLY? • Can science tell if we are not superstitious or we just don’t want to admit it?
Deadly FASHION • If looks could kill, these fashion trends saw their followers pay the ultimate price
The DARK HISTORY of EVERYDAY OBJECT • Many familiar household brands, devices and names have a darker tale to tell. Here are just some of them
TRAGEDIES that shaped the world • Discover some of the most harrowing – and preventable – disasters that changed the face of health and safety
Horrors of HOLLYWOOD • The time of blockbuster movies that cost a billion dollars to make are fast approaching but for some, the price has already proven too high
HELL on EARTH • How seven acts of genocides throughout history happened, and why
HORRORS of HERESY & HOLY WAR • From the ancient world to today, the accusation of religious crime can be a powerful threat
NAZI ATROCITIES • Discover the most harrowing Nazi war crimes
HUMAN ZOOS • From the late 19th to the mid-20th century,...