Finding the best ways to eat for life means navigating through the health-fad and diet clutter. Now, the editors of EatingWell present a special edition, What to Eat for Life, that demystifies the trends, fads and contradictory information about eating well and healthily, and instead presents a clear and balanced approach to a sound diet, including moderation and not abstinence, incorporating a variety of foods into your diet, and the many reasons to pack on the produce. What to Eat for Life also provides guidance on selecting the best meat and fish (and maintaining a sustainable table), how to incorporate more fiber into your life, the power of plant-based eating as well as guidance on navigating food labels, a buyer’s handbook, superstars of the whole grain world and more. Of course, What to Eat for Life also includes several recipes to help you get started on your new journey.
What to Eat for Life • Feel better. Be stronger. Live longer.
Principles to Eat (and Live) By • Finding the best ways to eat for life means navigating through the health-fad and diet clutter.
Don’t Eliminate, Moderate • Simply keeping your intake in check, instead of slashing entire groups of “bad foods” from your diet, is a better path for staying on track and fighting off chronic issues.
You Don’t Need to Fight the Fat • Bacon is everywhere. Butter is the new darling. Seems that fat is back big time. But should it be?
The Truth About Sodium • Salt finds its way into almost everything we eat. Here’s what you need to know about those craveable crystals.
Solving the Sugar Puzzle • There’s a lot of confusion out there about sugar—what’s good? What’s bad? Here’s what the science says.
Rethinking Drinking • New research shows that too many women are drinking too much—and it’s often habit (wine o’clock), not addiction, that’s to blame. Here’s a look at our current (complicated) relationship with alcohol, and how to make it a healthy one.
Keep It Real • Convenience foods have their upside, but navigating all those aisles of bottles, boxes and bags can be tricky. Here’s how to spot the overly processed options (keep walking) and go for the good stuff.
The Impact of Food Labels • The words and information on packages have a big influence on what we eat. But do we understand what we’re reading?
Navigating Nutrition Label Upgrades • Recently, the Nutrition Facts label got a makeover. Here are the changes and how they can help you make smarter choices in the grocery aisles.
The Power of Plant-Based • Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your family’s diet has proven links to a healthier life. Here’s why, and how, to pile on the produce.
The Meatless Difference • Vegetarian eating has been linked to protection against a variety of conditions and illnesses. Here are some potential benefits.
Produce Protection • Although your overall diet is more important than eating a targeted quota of fruits and vegetables, research shows that these foods may be particularly potent when it comes to cancer prevention.
Bitter is Better • Don’t turn up your nose at bitter foods—embrace them! Bitter is a sign of powerfully good-for-you nutrients. We look at the science and give you tips to embrace the taste.
Recipes: Vegetable Imposters
Eat More Fiber • This powerful carbohydrate has been linked to everything from blood sugar control and a lower risk of diabetes to weight loss and a longer life. Here’s how you can fit more fiber into your food choices.
Why Fiber • The benefits of this nutrient are many. Herewith, a counting of the ways.
A Hill of Beans • Both hearty and delicious, these tiny morsels pack a powerful fiber punch.
The Goodness of Whole Grains • If you’re looking to boost the fiber in your life,...