Everyone’s lives are becoming increasingly busy, and you may find that you have less time to cook healthy and delicious food. With this issue we show you that it’s possible to have fresh meals on the table in as little as 15 minutes. It takes a little organization, but the result is delicious homemade dinners every night. Organized into the helpful sections, Out of the Frying Pan, Noodles + Rice Night, Midweek Meat Free, Salad for Dinner, and Get Grilling, the 75 recipes in Fast Dinners provide wholesome food on the table 7 days a week. Including hints and hacks to make the most of the time you have in the kitchen, plus tips for shopping and planning ahead, Fast Dinners will make sure you won’t ever have to think about what to make for dinner tonight again.
COOKING SHORTCUTS • Some hints and hacks to make the most of the time you have in the kitchen
SHOPPING SHORTCUTS • Quick cooking begins at the supermarket, so make sure you plan ahead
OUT OF THE FRYING PAN • We’ve got all your global taste buds covered here with 16 quick and easy recipes to cook right out of your favorite frying pan (you know you have one)! Get your ingredients prepped while you heat up the oil in your pan and you’ll be ready to bang out these delicious weekday meals.
NOODLES + RICE NIGHT • Whether you prefer a hearty bowl of pasta or Asian noodles, a Middle Eastern couscous dish or healthy rice pilaf, these 15 recipes include enough of a protein and flavor variety to keep your taste buds singing. Get that water boiling while you collect and prep any other materials you may need!
MIDWEEK MEAT FREE • A new spin on meat free Mondays, this section includes 11 mouthwatering recipes that will entice you to try eating meat free multiple times during the week.
SALAD FOR DINNER • Try these 12 easy satisfying meals for a refreshing and light dinner. Salads add fiber and micronutrients to your diet—and these nutritious recipes include a variety of proteins as well. With an abundance of vegetables, and some fruit, all you need to add is your favorite dressing!
GET GRILLING • Whether you’re using your outdoor grill, a grill pan on the stovetop, or your oven’s broiler, all of these appetizing recipes will be cooked quickly and properly. From sizzling steaks and sumptuous lamb cutlets to chicken and pork satays two ways, you’ll find a dish to please everyone’s palate.
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Fast Dinners