First launched in 1970, Psychologies magazine has always been about ensuring you reach your potential - focusing on what’s really important in life. Written by experts in mental health and wellbeing, Psychologies is the go-to magazine for those who want to get the perfect balance between mind and body. With thought-provoking articles that cover all aspects of life, from home and family to work and travel, Psychologies celebrates modern, confident women who want to excel in all areas of their life. Psychologies magazine is published in nine countries, including the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Russia, China, Romania and Mexico - helping thousands of women maintain a healthy mind, body and life. Written for women who want an inspiring read that gives them more than just fashion and beauty, you’ll love your digital subscription to Psychologies magazine.
The advice starts RIGHT HERE!
In the mood • Thought-provoking culture, insightful science and inspirational snippets to bring you up to date on all things uplifting, hopeful and happy-making
Viewpoint • Send your letters of gratitude and tell us what you loved reading in the magazine to
"You have to listen to your feelings like a grown-up • Psychotherapist Philippa Perry talks to Psychologies about sorting feelings from facts, and why quiet moments of connection hold the key to wellbeing and belonging
Blast from the past • Harriet Minter treads a well-worn path from a previous life, and rediscovers a spring in her step
Mind • Inspiration to boost your happiness and confidence, plus simple steps to overcome anxiety and stress
Are you caught in a worry trap? • Learn to sit comfortably with your fears for tomorrow and reclaim your today, writes Kellie Gillespie-Wright
Do you need a distraction detox? • Stop looking to escape difficult emotions through destructive behaviours, and break free from the habits that hold you back, writes Talitha Fosh
Coaching in action About turn • In their second session together, the award-winning coach Kim Morgan helps her client Liz* confront the limiting beliefs that have held her bound
How to commit to your happiness • When life gets busy, rather than let your self-care slide, ring-fence the rituals that fuel you, writes Yasmina Floyer
Sweet sorrow • Flailing in the choppy waters of loss and new love, Jackee Holder picks up the pen and rediscovers her sense of self…
GET OUT OF A RUT • Feeling stuck on a hamster wheel, doing the same old things in the same old ways, with no discernible signs of progress? Heidi Scrimgeour discovers the way out…
Bring back the joy
3 tools to climb out of a rut • Psychologist Holly Wood says these positive psychology tools are powerful but easy to implement, and recommends trying them to climb out of a trench…
8 ways to give yourself a rut MOT • Getting out of a rut is about stepping outside of what’s comfortable and into your ‘stretch zone’ instead, says Helen Jane Campbell. She recommends these steps to forge a path out of mundanity…
Building your rut-prevention strategy • Once you’ve found your way out of a rut, it’s important to resource yourself with the skills to avoid ending up back there. Here’s how…
WHAT WILL HELP YOU GET UNSTUCK? • If you’re struggling to get out of a rut, take our test to find out what affirmation will help to create a mindset shift for you
Heart • How to connect more meaningfully and enjoy loving relationships with our partners, children, parents and friends
Burn bright • Caro Giles mirrors spring’s slow, steady march and steps into the light…
TOXIC TEAMMATES – how to survive and thrive at work • When a friendship forged in the workplace...